We can't believe it's almost here, but the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's Annual Roadcheck is coming up and TA Truck Service wants to ensure that your drivers pass their inspections with flying colors. Claim your FREE mid-trip inspection and help keep the roads safe for everyone.
TA Truck Service has you Covered
In case you missed it, TA and Petro recently made an announcement to company executives and its loyal followers at this year's Mid-America Trucking Show. With hundreds of people crowded around the TA-Petro booth, it was revealed that TA Truck Service, Petro: Lube, RoadSquad™, RoadSquadConnect®, RoadSquad OnSite® and eShop® will be coming together under the single brand umbrella of "TA TRUCK SERVICE".
2016 Annual Roadcheck

Annual Roadcheck is right around the corner and will be here before you know it. Brake issues are the #1 reason for the out-of-service violations issued every year, so how can you make sure your drivers don't become part of that shocking statistic during this year's Annual Roadcheck? TA Truck Service is making this easy for you. Between now and June 9, 2016, claim a FREE mid-trip inspection for your commercial vehicles to make sure you avoid one of these violations and keep your drivers on the road.
Annual Roadcheck is taking place June 7-9, so don't forget to make sure to schedule your free mid-trip inspection. Specialists from TA Truck Service will be performing quick, non-measured inspections of key items that you may not notice such as tread tire depth, wheel seals, exhaust, and much more. Get all the details here.
Get it All with TA and Petro
In addition to offering drivers free mid-trip inspections, there are a ton of other ways you can save at TA and Petro locations. You can keep your trucks running smoothly and save some cash while you are at it when you get your PM and DOT services done at TA Truck Service locations. See how you can save up to $15 on PM and DOT services here.
With TA Truck Service RoadSquad Connect, you can rest easy knowing you are never alone...and you can receive up to a $15 discount on labor for all road calls completed by a TA/Petro RoadSquad service truck. See how you can save on breakdown services.
Don't forget, while you are visiting a TA or Petro location that you can also save on your fuel purchases, too! That's right, we've got savings all the way around. Earn valuable discounts at TA and Petro with your FTS fuel card. Don't have an FTS fuel card? That's okay. If you're interested in getting set up or want to learn more about our fuel savings click here or give us a call at (800) 749-1724 Opt. 2
To learn more on all the savings available visit us at ftsplus.com/savings, or give us a call at (800) 749-1724 Opt. 2. While you're visiting our website, make your way over to our blog to keep up with us on the latest industry news and savings announcements.