Open Road Drivers Plan® recently announced a new safety program that rewards its member drivers for safe driving— the first of its kind.
Safe Driver Rewards by Open Road Drivers Plan® is the first reward program offered by a CDL Legal Plan that rewards drivers for safe driving. The innovative program rewards drivers with points as they rack up citation-free miles behind the wheel. These points can then be cashed in for more than 750 prizes via a website.
All Open Road Drivers Plan® members are automatically enrolled in the program at no cost and can earn points a variety of ways including: citation-free driving, membership tenure, referrals, anniversaries and more.
To kick off the launch and create excitement with its members, Open Road Drivers Plan® is doing a one-time retroactive point award to all of its current eligible drivers to the tune of nearly 800,000 points!
The safest drivers of Open Road Drivers Plan® will be rewarded the most through Chrome Driver status. Chrome Drivers are members who have completed ten years of consecutive membership without receiving a citation. At the 10-year mark, they receive a 5,000 point grant, and their membership is now complimentary of Open Road Drivers Plan®.
"Safe Driver Awards allows us to give something back to drivers for doing what we all want them to do and that's drive safe," shared Open Road Drivers Plan GM Jake Sitler, "we're proud to be the first and only CDL legal plan that rewards drivers for safe driving."
Learn more about this great new rewards program at
About FTS Plus+ Savings with Open Road Drivers Plan
FTS cardholders can receive legal services from Open Road Drivers Plan at a discounted rate of
only $34.50 per month. Fleets also receive a
$2 rebate each month for each driver who enrolls in the payroll deduction program. For more information or to enroll, please visit and click on the enrollment link, or call us at 800.749.1724 Opt. 2.
About Open Road Drivers Plan:
Open Road Drivers Plan® has been protecting the CDLs of drivers since 1989 and is known by professional drivers as the CDL legal plan that’s NOT sold in truck stops. Membership includes no attorney fees (ever) for covered moving and non-moving violations, free DataQs challenges for dismissed or reduced citations, complimentary spousal coverage, 24/7 bonding services, personal vehicle coverage and discounts and savings on a variety of products. Open Road Drivers Plan® is frequently offered as a benefit via payroll deduction by fleets across the U.S. and Canada and takes pride in one of the largest network of more than 5,000 CDL attorneys. Open Road Drivers Plan® is a division of Multi Service Technology Solutions, and is the partner company of Multi Service Fuel Card, which has been trusted by carriers as a fuel card provider since 1978.