Heavy duty truck distributors are happier than ever as truck sales continue to climb from what some worried to be a bottomless hole. Fleets and owner operators can also rejoice as the market brings a higher availability of trucks and lower prices.
The demand for commercial vehicles has returned in the wake of rising freight volumes and increased fuel economy from the newest models. Truck sales were at their highest levels since 2006, as medium and heavy-duty truck purchases increased by a whopping 16.5% compared to May of last year. According to WardsAuto, May was the 21st consecutive month of year-over-year sales increases.
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Sources: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/auto/news/commercial-vehicle/mhcvs/big-trucks-like-volvo-eicher-commercial-vehicles-sales-up-smaller-ones-lag/articleshow/47466524.cms; http://fleetowner.com/equipment/class-8-sales-soar-over-30-last-month